Tuesday 17 March 2009

Do you like SAKURA

Sorry I've been AWOL all day... was out shopping & having lunch with mum, then had to go pick up some supplies, had a few calls to make, dinner to organise now doing this quick post before getting all my animals fed & locked up for the night... after that I have to make 2 cards... just realised that it's my Mum & Eric's anniversary tomorrow and also my friend's 40th.... obviously my mind has been on other things of late & I've arrived at the date before I could blink...
The main purpose of this post is to give you a little hint on tomorrow's daily candy add on... whilst collecting supplies today I was speaking with Mr Sakura himself or as us Brits may know him "The Flying Scotsman" and he has infact kindly donated your add on for tomorrow...
Hint done... and signing out now so I have time to get everything done.. if I have time later I may do another posting.. barring that I may just blog hop...
Hope you've all had a great day & remember to check back tomorrow to see what the add on is.
Lorraine xxx


  1. O i love Sakura pens, they are great! Have a nice evening! Hugs, Moni

  2. Do I like Sakura? No! I LOVE Sakura, who doesn't??

    Can't wait to see what tomorrow's giveaway is! How exciting :-D

    Jan x

  3. I have never used Sakura before but would love to own some. See you tomorrow.
    Hugs Linda

  4. Evening hun!

    I Love Sakura especially stardust they are magic!!!

    Emma xxx

  5. Love Sakuras... Can't wait to see what tomorrow's add on is!

  6. Do I like Sakura pens? I can't say cos I haven't got any! but everyone raves about them so I am sure I would like them :-)

  7. i sadly dont own any Sakura pens..but hopefully i would get then chance..cant wait untill tomo's add ons..thanks hun x

  8. I love Sakura pens too!!!!

