Wednesday 18 March 2009

Daily Candy Add on

Ok folks here is a biggy for you this morning.... I know it doesn't look much in the picture but would you believe there is somewhere in the region of £35 worth of goodies in this one picture..
Firstly I would like to thank the wonderful Mr Sakura himself (The Flying Scotsman) for being so generous & actually donating this gift for me to offer to you... yes that's right & I put my hand up to this... it hasn't cost me a single penny....
THANK YOU CRAIG....... perhaps you could leave a comment thanking him also.
Now this part of my candy was unplanned until I loaded a project called "Sakura met my Bunny" for which many people left comments thinking I was offering the pens... which I wasn't... when I mentioned this to Craig he very kindly offered to donate a set of them, along with some fabulous peel offs.
Now don't be turning your noses up at the words Peel offs... I know so many people still think of borders & corners but we have come a long way since then... in addition to that... these peel offs have been designed specifically to work with your Sakura pens.... yippee......
I have attached 2 picture sheets below to give you an idea of the types of designs available... as you can see they are very swirly ( the current trend).
You will see that there are gold/silver on one end of the pic & white on the other... this is where the true magic begins....
The white sheets you see are infact double sided peel offs... covered by a protective layer of course... these peel offs are designed to be used with ultra fine glitter & boy do you get some dazzling results... you would simply cut out the image you require (roughly) then peel back the protective layer... this then allows you to rub (in circular motions) your glitter onto the design. Once you've finished rubbing it in, simply remove & position... there are birds, hobby horses & flowers to name but a few..
Please see the bottom of this post on how to order your Sakura products online in the UK...
Today's daily candy add on

Example of bird designs

Example of Butterfly designs

To enter today simply leave a comment (please do thank Craig for his generosity) as I'm sure he will be looking to see what you all say about our beloved Sakura products.
Finally, I know that many of you love Sakura but may not always live close to a shop where you can easily purchase them... so don't say I never lead you in the right direction... problem solved.
What more can I say... oh yes... make sure you have a cuppa to hand along with your purse...
Hope you all have a fabulous day.
Lorraine xxx


  1. These are beautiful, Big thanks to Craig, and of course you Lorraine!
    Lou XX

  2. wow thats is soo generous, im a sakura fan for sure but am only just getting started with them, would love to win these too xxxx

  3. Wow these are just fabulous Lorraine - I would love to own these beauties..antoher fabulous add on - than you. :)


  4. Now...exclude me from the candy please...but I just had to say...been on the Marking World site, boy would I love a rummage around that warehouse (being as it's only two minutes down the road) But have you seen those Miffy Pens?????? Me thinks Ava might need a set of those...oh and maybe her mama too!
    Luvs ya...
    G x

  5. Thank you, Lorraine, for another fabulous add on! and thank Craig, of course, for being so GENEROUS! I absolutely love those birdies and butterflies! I haven't tried the Sakura. Would sure like to, though!

  6. woweeeeee what a fabby prize...........big round of applause to the flying scotsman!! thanks a lot to him :o)


    Amanda xxx

  7. Hi Lorraine,

    Wow ... I would love to own these !!!!!
    What a great add on ...

    BIG thanks for the chanse to win, and also to Craig !!!


  8. Another great add on Lorraine I just don't know how you do it. A big thank you to Craig for his gift to the candy. I love Sakura but don't have that many at the moment although I do intend to build my collection. The website looks great I will go back for another look later with my cuppa in hand!!
    Thanks Lorraine for this lovely idea of daily candy and your hard work in doing it.

  9. Oh. It looks very nice. Thans Craig and thanks to you for ofeering a chance to win.

  10. Gorgeous candy, and really thank to Craig for generosity! Hugs, Moni

  11. thanks craig!would love to win this. :)

  12. A great big thank you to Craig the Flying Scotsman for his generous contribution to the blog candy collection - it just gets better and better!!!! And to you too Lorraine - I just can't believe how much there is.
    Ali xx

  13. Cute it...thanks for the chance...

  14. Ooh I'm a big Sakura fan, so thank you for offering this fab giveaway & a mega big thank to Mr Sakura himself, it's a really generous prize (hope I win it too!!)

    Jan x

  15. Craig really is very generous - thank him for us all!

  16. wow lorraine..i would lov to have a play with these..and thanks so much to craig..for giving us the chance to hugs to you both love clarex

  17. How lovely these are! Many thanks to you Lorraine and many many thanks to Craig!
    'Til tomorrow!
    Hugs, SannaS

  18. Oh adroable! please pick me:)

  19. love them! great candy!

  20. Hi Lorraine!
    A big thank you to Craig for his gift to the candy. These are beautiful, BIG thanks for the chance to win.

  21. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fabby bits today Lorraine. Some of those peeloffs are rather cute:)
    A big thank you too to Craig for his lovely donation to your candy
    Anne x

  22. Lorraine what another fabulous add on, thank you! Thanks so much to CRAIG also for his generosity!

  23. Fabulous add on as always! and thank Craig, of course, for being so kind!
    This birds are SOMETHING!
    Lorraine, please, stop temting us :)!
    You candy is TOO great!

  24. Ooh! I would dearly love to have some of these to play with...

    Big thanks to Craig for his generosity and also to you Lorraine for giving us the chance to win them.

    Hugs Christine x

  25. Another Fabulous add on. Be sure to tell Craig thank you for his generosity for us crafters! Also tell him his products are FABULOUS!

  26. Doesn't Craig want to come to South Africa to live? We could do with some generous men here.
    What a wonderful add on.

  27. more great candy and thank you craig for offering it, have a fab day hunny, hope you have fab weather like I do here x x

  28. Oh My God Lorraine! what generous of him..... thank you so much Craig and thank you Darling for the chance to win it....
    I'll check Sakura's online shop out.. I hope he ships internationally! (keeping my fingers crossed!!

  29. wow. those are great. i'd love to work with those. will add a special touch to my handmade cards. thanks.

  30. I could make some nice cards with theses - thanks Craig for being so generous - and spontaneously so!

  31. big thanks to craig & another big thanks to you lorraine hugs kirsten...x

  32. Hey, really generous prize today. Although the whole giveaway is magnificent.

    Love the cards you made last night as well.

    Many, many thanks. How many days left?


  33. WOW those are WONDERFUL!! Thank you Craig~!! This has been so much fun!! Dunno how many I managed to comment on, as I misunderstood in the beginning, but I stop by daily, and know ALL the goodies you have added...OMGoodness!! Thanks so much!


  34. What a cool addition to the blog candy! I love it!! Thank you for the chance to win and thanks Craig!

  35. I love these peel offs. I've seen them used on TV but have never actually gotten my hands on them. How generous of him to donate these for your giveaway!!!

  36. Thank you Lorraine for another fabulous add on. I love Sakura products!


  37. O, wow, that sure is generous. Thank you Craig ^-^ and Thank you Lorraine!!

  38. Beautiful!!


  39. Wow I love Sakura products and thanks craig for your super gorgeous prize don't know how Lorraine will ever be able to part with them,,,
    Thanks hun for this latest addition to your candy....

    Emma xxx

  40. My mother will get these if I win, she will love them. I am trying to give them up!

    Cazzy x

  41. Lovely blog candy :-) Thankyou Lorraine and Craig :-)

  42. another fabby add on...someones gonna be a very happy bunny.....hugs sassyx

  43. Thanks to Craig and Lorraine. There are some fantastic goodies in this ensemble. I so hope i will get to play with these, ms.cheryl

  44. These are fantastic Thanks to Craig for his yummy Goodies
    thanks for all the chances

  45. Ooooh more fab candy, Thanx Lorraine.
    Trish (-:

  46. well, I'm certainly not snobby about peel-offs, so thankyou very much Lorraine for offering all this as candy and thankyou too Craig for being so generous
    Will go have a trot along to the site for a wee splurge now lol

  47. Wow! Love Sakura pens and have made the hour drive to get them for friends after they ask what I had used on a card.
    Thank you Craig for the donation!

  48. To Lorraine and Craig, I would like to thank you both for your generosity. The peel offs look like so much fun, but I have never tried them. Not quite understanding how they work with the Sakura pens. But then, doesn't everything look better with a Sakura pen having gone over it? I am especially fond of my Stardust set. I was using them just tonight. Thank you both again, Linda S. in NE

  49. Ohhhhh wow, Lorraine, how gorgeous are these...
    Hugs Angel

  50. I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
    And I'm your Follower!
    Thanks for a chance to win!


  51. I love Sakura. Thanks Craig for your generosity. :)
    x Natasha x

  52. I have heard lots of good things about Sakura. Thank you Craig!

  53. Very nice candy...nice Sakura...thanks so much for the chance...hugs, Monika

  54. Thank you Lorraine and Craig for such beautiful candy.
    Hugs Linda

  55. Fabby prize once again!!!!! Thanks so much for the chance :)

  56. Amazing candy. Thank you for a chance.
