Friday 13 February 2009

What a pain !!!

Well a very good afternoon to you all..... well I hope it's a lot better than mine anyway....
Mid afternoon yesterday I started getting a headache which by teatime last night had turned into a lovely full blown migraine... you know those ones where it's difficult to even keep your eyes open because of the pain...
Well I had a wonderful sleep as I think the pain knocked me out and I slept like a log till my mum called this morning about 10.35am.... gosh talk about having a lie in... well we were supposed to be going out to lunch today but I've had to re-arrange for Monday now... I've had some more pain killers because you guessed it.... the flaming pain is still there...
I think I'm going to jump back into bed for an hour or two and see if I can get rid of it... was trying to think what may have caused it and low & behold the answer I think hit me in the face... remember I was at physio on Monday & she has given me a new sitting position to help realign my pelvis.... well I think this may be the cause.... thus, I will have to tolerate the pain until I correct my posture but it will make a huge difference in the long run...
I will pop back later with a creation or two if I can and in the meantime happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Ah Mrs, I hope your feeling better real soon, that Rob boy would need to be looking after you and just take it easy for another day or two. Thinking of you, Karen xx

  2. Awww Heather - I get sore heads but think I have only ever had one migraine kinda thing and it was not pleasant - my mum used to get them often until she was on holiday and got acupuncture fromthis chines herbalist and hasn't had a full blown one since!
    I do hope it clears and you feel better because it's so draining.


  3. Lorraine, Feel better soon, hon!!


  4. big hug to you for the headache, can't wait to see your latest creations

  5. Hi Lorraine You poor thing, they are the pits those sort of headaches, hope you are feel better soon and back to your crafting.
    Hugs Linda

  6. Aww you poor thing hope when you got back up that you were feeling better..:)
    Hope you have a great weekend..:)


  7. oh poor you....nothing worse than a take care and hope you feel better soon
    Kath xxxx
