Thursday 12 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Evening all.... just another brief update for you all on Gayle's sister who was released from hospital today....
It has now emerged that the hospital are unsure if Gayle's sister actually has another condition relating to small blood vessels...
This will take time to find out whether or not they are correct so in the meantime until she sees the next specialist I would ask that you all continue to keep the family in your prayers... they are at present still under some pressure and will be for the next few weeks at least.
Thankfully all the family should manage to get a decent nights sleep now that she is back home with her loved ones...
I will continue to update you all on progress when there is anything to report.
Hugs & blessings to you all
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hopefully they can find the problem and fix it before it becomes a big issue. Will continue to keep them in my prayers.

  2. Hope your keeping well yourself, I'm laid up with a broken leg.

    how lovely she is now home, hopefully the family can rest a little now. My prayers go to her for a speedy recovery x x x
