Friday 13 February 2009

Night Night

Hi folks, thank you so much for your sympathy earlier today and I've actually slept for most of it and do feel a bit better...
I have managed to make something tonight but have no chance of getting a decent pic at this time so will upload it in the morning...
Right now, I'm off back to bed for a good nights sleep & hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
Hugs to you all.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine, I suffer from migraines too so I know exactly how you feel!! horrendous aren't they :-/
    Hope you re better now, :-)

  2. aww..lorraine..sorry to hear your not feeling to husband suffers for them often..its horrible to watch a grown man nearly in tears with pain..and most of the time he's sick with it as well.
    but i hope your feeling alot better this morning..thinking of you sending get well hugs to you xxx clare xx

  3. Hi Lorraine.

    I will talk quietly as i used to suffer with migraines and know how AWFUL they are, pop over to my blog and there is something that may cheer you up...
    get well you....
    Hugs Angel
