Thursday 12 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

WooooooHoooooooooooooooooo Yiiiiipppppppeeeeeee
Gayle's sister has just got her MRI scan results back and fantastic news, all clear....................
Thankfully this means that she can now return home today so I guess she will be frantically packing her bag as we speak seeing as she has been stuck in hospital for 13 days now.....
She still has a way to go before she is fully recovered and will have to take it extremely easy over the coming months but I'm sure that being at home with her loving family will make this journey so much easier for her....
On behalf of Gayle & her family may I thank you all for your prayers & good wishes which have been received over the past few weeks....
Just a little heads up for you too.... Gayle is posting some Blog Candy at the weekend so make sure you pop over & join in....
Off to celebrate now
Lorraine xxx


  1. Great news, I hope all goes well.
    Have a great day.

  2. Best News I have heard today! Whoooo Hoooooo!. Now off to have a prayer of thankfulness...

  3. Thank you for the update! I am so, so happy that the MRI came back clear and she can go home.....I know she must be ready! Continued prayers for her!


  4. Woo Hoo!!! Great answer to prayer and I am so pleased for Gayle and her family. LOL Pascale :)

  5. Aww she will be so glad to get home and relax in familiar surroundings - nothing can beat it..

