Saturday 14 February 2009

Arty Girlz Challenge

The challenge this week over at Arty Girlz is flowers so I thought that I would use this card which I admit is not one I have recently made... It's actually from around April or May of last year & was one of the samples made for the Sakura/Cardology show on Ideal World and Create & Craft. I do love it though...

The base card is cut from an apeture card and given a burnished look using a silver calligraphy pen... the flowers themselves were all traced from patterns onto vellum & then glitter was added to some & the rest were watercoloured using Sakura Stardust...
This card does hold a place in my heart but I'm not sure if part of that is because it took me hours to make, delicately cutting all those flowers from vellum & ensuring that I didn't tear them.
Well me hopes you like & now I'm off to add another posting...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. This is sooooo stunning.!

  2. Oh this is awesome! So creative and beautiful.

    I hope you are feeling much better today!!


  3. This is stunning Lorraine I love it.


  4. wow the flowers are beautiful lorraine

    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge

    crissi xx

  5. This is a very pretty card makes you want to go out and buy vellum yesterday looks fantastic and you can tell it took a long time to do
