Thursday 15 January 2009

A very good morning to you all

Well good morning my lovely possems and it hope it finds us all safe & well... even if we are all lacking a bit of sunshine & flowers...
Oh now, the lack of sunshine & flowers I can perhaps help solve that for you...
Challenge Nos 2 has just been set over at The Sugar Bowl and what a super one it is too...
Sugar Momma has set the target high this time as we have to work around "3". We have to use 3 papers, 3 embellishments & we get extra points if we manage to use 3 stamps...
However, if you pop over & see the wonderful stash of stuff that is up for grabs then you will understand why... anyone would love to win this & you have 2 weeks to enter as the challenge doesn't close until midnight on January 28th....
Rainbow Lady is also back online with her challenges & this week it is based on "Fashion".
So that's my challenges sorted for the day, along with my housework, washing & I have to pop down to the craft group to say "Hi" to everyone as I haven't seen them since before my operation... oh & lets not forget I have to arrange delivery of yesterday's blog candy to Allison.
Later today I will also be choosing some more candy goodies to put up for grabs so will hopefully get that uploaded tonight or tomorrow....
That's all for now folks, happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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