Thursday 15 January 2009

Mr Postie Arrived

Yippee Mr Postie arrived this afternoon with my lovely goodies that I managed to grab during my supermarket sweep the other night at The Glitter Pot.... can't wait to delve into it so if I go AWOL you know what I'm doing...
Who am I kidding.... I was AWOL for long enough and now I'm back so you will just all have to look at the pics as I use my gorgeous new stash....
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Jings that was quick, enjoy!!!! Look forward to seeing your creations.

  2. They are a super efficient firm! I am drooling primas, Basic Grey, penny blacks no I must look away! Have fun!!! Pascale :)

  3. Wowzers! That was some fast service. I guess the service makes up for not being able to access their check out. Looks like you got some great buys. Can't wait to see what you make with them.

  4. Oooh that is lovely stash Lorraine!! I bought that chippie alpha too!! and some FF stamps which were only £5 for a set
    glad you got on to buy!


  5. fab stash! i have presented you with an award - go to my blog to see it :)

  6. Oh lovely goodies, thanks for sharing ~ Mel
