Wednesday 14 January 2009

Blog Candy Winner

Okay folks are you ready to find out who is the winner of my blog candy giveaway..................
Drum roll please...........................................
Have I kept you waiting long enough???????????
Are you braced to your seat????????????
Am I really starting to annoy you now??????????
Oh me thinks I may very well be so here goes....

The winner is.....................................
I had to be careful on this one as I had 2 entrants with the same name but very fortunately they have different spellings.....
So congratulations Allison & if you email me your address I will arrange for delivery of your new Laura Ashley Album.
Please do watch out for more candy in the next few days so you can join in the fun again...
In the meantime, happy crafting & a huge big thank you to everyone who took the time to enter....
Lorraine xxx


  1. wooohooo I won I won whoop de do
    Thanks so much my pet- looking forward to receiving it
    off to email you now

  2. wooohooo I won I won whoop de do
    Thanks so much my pet- looking forward to receiving it
    off to email you now

  3. wooohooo I won I won whoop de do
    Thanks so much my pet- looking forward to receiving it
    off to email you now

  4. wooohooo I won I won whoop de do
    Thanks so much my pet- looking forward to receiving it
    off to email you now

  5. Can anyone tell just how excited Allison is.....

    Or is Mr Blogger playing up again..

    L xxx

  6. Lol, Well done Allison from Alison lol x

  7. Congrats Allison I am so happy for you ! enjoy your new goodies !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations Allison and thank you Lorraine for the chance to win. I love entering even if I don't win. It's the fun and reading the posts.

  10. oops how did that happen- all those posts from me! Naughty Mr Blogger

  11. Lorraine i deleted the post from earlier due to the fact I answered a question you didn't ask lol. Senior moment I was having lol.

  12. Congrats Allison,a big thank you to Lorriane for her generosity i enjoyed joining in, did'nt win but its the taking part that matters:0)
    Hugzz Val xxx
