Wednesday 12 November 2008


Well I would love dearly to hear from anyone out there who has never heard of Sakura or never infact used their products....

Yes these are one of the things we hold dear to our hearts... our beloved Sakura pens... where would we be without our glaze, stardust etc....

Well, I hope you are all sitting down now as I have some truly amazing news to share with you all... as at the moment I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new kit.... yes you've guessed it... I am now officially a Sakura demonstrator..... how fab is that....

Yes things will be slow for me at the moment due to my recent surgery but once the new year arrives I am so looking forward to going out demoing on a regular basis & to meeting loads of you... I will put a list of demo dates on my blog so you will know if I am going to be in your area.. that way I can get the opportunity to meet you in person then I'll know who I'm blogging with.

Well now that I've shared my news with you all it's time to get my butt back to work... no rest for the wicked as they say....

Hope you're all having a fabby time out there crafting & I promise to get back to normal as soon as possible...

Big hugs

Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Congratulations Lorraine,

    you are one hell of a lady well done and enjoy your new job, will look forward to seeing if you are in our area in the future we will pop and see you.
    We, being the terrible twins..
    Chris from blin-kin-ek and myself.

    chriss x

  2. Congratulations!Will pop by and see you any time you're in the area.

    Cass xxx

  3. Oh `Hello` Lorraine..Sakura!!!I love them some of my favourite crafty goodies...
    Yaah for you...Glad to see you feeling a lot better and getting back in the swing of things..Take Things easy....
    Have a lovely Evening:)~X~

  4. Hi Lorraine, I just found your blog. Congratulations on "Sakura". I don't know if you remember me, we met at the Hilton Experience last year and again this year. Any way I'll pop by every now and then now that I know where you are.

  5. Wow Lorraine that is fantastic news..
    Head up my way purleeeese!!!


  6. Congratulations Lorraine - woo-hoo!!!
    Well done, take care & get well soon
    Ann xxx
