Thursday 13 November 2008

Another Award

Even though I've been a bad blogger over the last few months due to my health the amount of support I have received from you all is immense..... and just today I have collected another award from the lovely Gayle who may I say texts me every single day without fail to check on my progress (many a time she slaps my fingers for being bad) she also makes me laugh....

I am supposed to pass this on to 5 other bloggers, but instead of doing that this time I would like instead to nominate all of you who have given me so much support.... you are all such fab people & I just love the simple layout of this award & the lovely bright colours which we all need at this time of year as autumn / winter is very quickly approaching...

This award brightened my day so please accept it from the bottom of my heart with much thanks & take it to your blog today....

Love ya all loads & happy crafting... I'm off now to get on with some more samples... promise I will try & get some pics uploaded asap.

Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxx

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