Wednesday 12 November 2008

I've been bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So sorry to have been neglecting you all again but it's been with very good reason....

As my recovery is progressing more day by day, I've managed to make it out for lunch at the weekend with my lovely hubby & my mums friend also took me out for a little jaunt in the car...

In addition to that I've been making samples for a demo I have on Saturday at Ashby Designs in Musselburgh then have some workshops after that for 4 weeks so I really do have lots to do & it all takes time as I don't move the quickest at the moment.....

As soon as I get a minute I will get some pics posted but in the meantime I'm going to put up another post with some fab news............. I really am jumping with joy at this one....

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Good to see you back posting Lorraine.Sounds like you're getting more mobile by the day.Take it easy though.

    Cass xxx

  2. You were jumping....I'll batter you!!!

  3. Take it easy Lorraine & don't over do it!! Take care. Ann xx
