Monday 3 November 2008

My new house....

Well as you all know I've not exactly been in a mood to craft lately but have definately not been in a physical state either.... Last week I sat for 3 days just cutting out & building up decoupage images. At least it gave me something to get me started...

Alas, I started feeling a little better though it was difficult to get to my craft goodies but isn't it amazing what you can do with a Doodlebug house kit & a K&Co pad... lets not forget the little gems that I finally managed to gain access to...

It's not done to perfection as I can't put anything heavy on my lap so I had to do all the measurements & cutting out on top of a cushion that was there to protect my wound...
All in all I quite happy of the outcome & it sure helped me to get the mojo going again... perhaps if I can drum up a few cards this week all should be close to normal within the next week or two.
I just thought I would share this with you all so you know that I am trying hard to get back in the flow of things & do think of all you gorgeous crafters out there each & every day....
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I love your house Lorraine - great job!! xx

  2. This is fabby.I adore these little Doodlebug houses.Love the PP and colours you've used.

    Cass xxx

  3. oh this is so cute and well done you for completing it....albeit on your knee

  4. It's great Lorraine - Gosh I wouldn't have the patience for this - Great job!

  5. Wow this is `gorgeous` Lorraine..TFS:)~X~

  6. A fantastic house and well done to your daughter. :)

