Monday 3 November 2008

HOSPITAL NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is just a quickie note to let you all know that I received word from the hospital today regarding the pathology report on everything that they stole from my stomach....

1. Right ovary & tube....
2. Sample from left ovary....
3. Very large tumour.....

My poor wee belly is becoming shrinking by the day as the swelling is going down but hey won't be long before I can pile the pounds on (need at least a stone....)

Well the good news is that everything that went to the pathologist was tested and there are absolutely no signs of any malignancy....

YIPPEE ................... the final all clear has been received so no more worrying now....

Love ya all loads
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Wonderful news - I'm delighted for you Lorraine!! Hugs Ann xx

  2. Lorraine, that is the BEST, BEST news!!! I am so happy!! :o)

    Huge celebratory hugs,
    Chris xx

  3. Absolutely fantastic news Lorraine.You must be so relieved.Take it easy and get well soon.

    Cass xx

  4. beat news in the world

  5. Great news Lorraine - you can now relax and recover - Yaaay!


  6. Hi Lorraine...
    Absolutly delighted for you:)
    Sorry :(I`v been a terrible blogger lately!!!
    Now I need to catch up on all your gorgeous creations:)
    Hope you are a lot better now :)~X~

  7. I am delighted to hear this wonderful news Lorraine. Hope you are feeling a little better now and will soon be back to yourself. Many thanks for your lovely message re my op.
    Yes we will meet up next year I am sure. Take care love and hugs
    Cynthia x oh and love the little house too xx

  8. Oh Lorraine

    Thank Goodness!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you will be feeling 100% very very soon xxx

  9. Hi Lorraine I had no idea you were going through all this, i didnt blog for such a long time so didnt no what was happening. I'm are so pleased to hear that you are ok now.
    sending you a hug
    Tracy x
