Monday 3 November 2008

Idol 2008

Well my gorgeous & very talented step daughter was singing in the Idol 2008 regional final last night at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow & I am proud to announce that she managed to come in as runner-up.... An exceptionally good achievement & it also means that she may still be in with a chance of getting to the Grand Final at the end of this month.... Fingers crossed.....

Well done Brianna......

Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Congratulations & Well done to Brianna xx

  2. Well done to Brianna what a fabulous achievement!!
    Well done to you too Lorraine for continuing to remain cheerful after all you've been through the last months.
    I am so glad that everything has ended well and that you are on the road to recovery hun.
    I will be looking out for more of your fab creations as you get better :D
    Chris xx

  3. You must be so proud.Well done to Brianna.

    Cass xxx

  4. Well done Brianna and I'm sure she will make it to the Grand Final

  5. Wow thats fabulous what an achievement , good luck with the next round You should tape record her singing and get it on your Blog ! Thanxs for lovely comment on mine by the way and i love your daughters name Brianna its lovely x

  6. "Well Done"
    Brianna what a fabulous acheivment indeed...How wonderfully proud must you be!!!
    I cant sing for toffee but I sooo wish I could be blessed with such a beautiful gift!!!!
    Have a lovely Weekend Lorraine:)~X~

  7. Hi Lorraine,

    Congrats to Brianna fingers crossed for her at the finals.

    Thanx for popping over and so sorry to hear your bum is get that feeling too.
    great news on your stolen tummy contents and it's brilliant that you are keeping your SOH in all this.
    Take care
    ps love your little house with it's steps up to the door.
    chriss x
