Thursday 2 October 2008

Another Beauty

Just had to share this beautiful card with you all that I received from my partner in crime Ann. This is my very good friend who herself is going through the mill at the moment, much more so than me, yet still she took the time to create this beauty for me which I will treasure deeply forever.

This was very welcomed as I've had to cancel my Fiskars demo at the SECC as I will be in my recovery period at the time... however I will still be doing my demo at Hobbycraft on October 11th which is a small consolation to me.

Thank you Ann & happy crafting to everyone else.

Lorraine xxx


  1. Such a gorgeous card from a lovely lady to another lovely lady...good luck with the Hobbycraft demo...I am so going to miss you at the SECC but maybe next year we can do it together....wouldn't that be a hoot....two made crafty coos.

  2. Woo hoo hoo!!!! I'm so excited to see my card on a blog and thanks to Kath for the gorgeousness comments - now that is an honour!! I'll be smiling all day now and everyone will wonder why.
    My very best wishes to you Lorraine as always.

    Love and hugs
