Thursday 2 October 2008

Keeping Busy

All I can say of late is thank goodness for the fabulous K&Co Christmas ornament book. I've had one of those weeks as one of my darling bunnies (Casper) had taken ill last week. I have nursed him for the whole week but sadly he did not recover & yesterday the vet had to send him off to play in bunny heaven. My heart is truly broken at this moment in time & with my hormones running wild at the moment I spent most of yesterday just crying. So much so that I gave myself a tension headache & you can imagine the state of my eyes. Hopefully little Casper will be happy where he is now & can play in the sun forever.

Due to my life of late I sometimes feel like crafting & sometimes not so my K&Co book has been a pure Godsend. Die cut ornaments ready to decorate. Here are some that have been partially done but still have the finishing touches to go on them. Haven't yet decided what I'm going to do with them as I have a very modern tree which does not allow for hanging anything on so will have to give them away or something.

Even gave me the excuse to get the big tub of Stickles out & play to my hearts content. I know these are nothing exciting but they have kept me going of late so I thought I'd share with you all so you know I haven't just been sitting back sipping coffee......

Well off to add another post. 3 in total today so pretty good going for me. The best day yet for about the last 6 weeks.

Happy crafting to one & all.

Lorraine xxx


  1. Aren't they just fabulous and it's great to hear that you are getting back into crafting sorry about Casper....poor little bunny..big hugs to you.

  2. Oh no :( These little friends are in our lives for far too short a time and we can only take comfort in the fact that we knew them and gave them the best home we could *hugs*

    Lovely's nice to have such a comforting hobby when we need it :)
