Thursday 2 October 2008

Paper take weekly

Yippee I've actually managed to create a card for my 1st challenge in about 6 weeks. Nothing exciting as my mojo hasn't exactly been working great with all that's been going on in my life but thought I'd try & do some challenges before I go missing again for my operation......
At least it gave me an excuse to make a christmas card & look to my recovery period & knowing that I'm going to be nice & fit again over the festive season.
Watch this space as hopefully there are more challenges to complete over the coming days.
Happy crafting one & all.
Lorraine xxx


  1. yippee my bestest crafty buddy is back in business and what a fabulous card to kick you off again..look forward to lots more inspiration

  2. Hi Mrs, glad to see your back to crafting, its always good therapy. Love the christmas decorations, I ordered 2 packets from QVC ages ago for the girls to make and sell at our church Christmas Fair but they haven't arrived yet - still on the waiting list. Hopefully we will get them soon. Sorry to hear about your bunny, its a hard time when you lose an animal that means so much. Thinking about you all the time, hugs and kisses as always, Karen
