Friday 5 September 2008

Quick Update

Nothing exciting been happening lately.. wonder why that is !!!!

Well the hospital called me on Wednesday to give me an update which is that I have now to go for a Laparoscopy. This means a small incision around my belly button through which they are going to take a better look around what is happening inside me & whilst there, they are going to take a sample for my biopsy which is good as I will at least know then what exactly they are dealing with. Hopefully after that they will be happy to come up with a plan of action for treatment & removal. I will do my best to keep you all posted on my progress....

Many thanks again for the lovely gifts I have received & messages of support which really do help me & put a smile on my face. You're a wonderful crowd & I'm glad I've got the chance to blog with you all....

Happy crafting...

Lorraine xxxxxxxx


  1. hi Lorraine
    just stopping by to wish you good luck and hope your wee op goes okay.
    Take care and will check back soon.


  2. Hi, toots..

    When is your laparoscopy due to happen?

    Chris xx

  3. oh Lorraine, not been on your blog for a wee while and I sooo sorry to hear your news
    Hopefully after the laperoscopy they will know more and be able to sort out treatment for you- chin up
    You take care of yourself and I will check back to see how you are getting on

  4. Hi, sweetie!! :o) I heard that you've had some good news, which is a great relief! :o) (Yes, we talk about you behind your back! lol)

    Looking forward to your return to blogging, when you can.

    Meanwhile, THIS will be waiting for you when you have chance to look. :o)

    Lots of love and hugs,
    Chris xx
