Thursday 4 September 2008

From another special friend

Another card received and it means so much to me especially coming from a person who has had her fair shares of ups & downs over the last wee while. For this one I have to give a huge THANK YOU to the fab Chris.

I do apologise for the pic not being the best and there is a much better pic on Chris's blog. Colours chosen specially to cheer me up and may I add that the verse inside is truly from the heart & I will treasure the words forever.

Thank you Chris.....

Happy crafting to one & all

Lorraine xxxxx


  1. Hi Lorraine! Glad to see your new posts. That's a beautiful card! Lucky girl!

  2. You're most welcome, sweetheart. I'm glad it arrived OK, and I hope you get some good news soon.

    Big hugs to you,
    Chris xx

  3. Lorraine your cards and flowers are all `Beautiful`...
    Thinking of you ...big(((hug)))~X~

  4. Hi Lorraine, I wondered why I hadn't seen you around for a while. I'm so sorry to hear your news and I hope you're holding up ok. Hope it won't be too long before it's decided what to do to get you well. I'm thinking of you and wishing you better. So glad you've had some beautiful cards and flowers to cheer you and the gorgeous sunflowers can't fail to do that. Take care, feel better soon. Hugs Chris xxx
