Friday 19 September 2008

Hello again

Sorry I've been a bad girl & not been online but actually had quite a busy week. Had a celebrity friend to stay at the weekend which was absolutely delightful & really cheered me up. Just what the doctor ordered me thinks....

Last week I attended the hospital & received the good news that going by all my results i.e. tumour markers, scans etc all evidence would indicate that it's begnine.. Hip hip horray. As a result of this & after discussion with the surgeon the decision has been made to forget the laparoscopy & just go straight to the operation. Thankfully I will only require my left ovary to be removed which means 4 weeks of rest afterwards. Hopefully the operation will be carried out some time in October (hoping to have the exact date confirmed at some point next week), thus I will be back on my feet before Christmas...

My step daughter also auditioned for Idol 2008 last Saturday in the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow & she was delighted when she was informed that she has got a place in the final to be held on November 2nd.

Here is a recent interview she done with a local newspaper about the event.

She is over the moon at the moment & as you can imagine both her dad & myself are very proud of her.

Hope to be able to do at least one challenge at some point over the next week so I may be back to haunt you all....

Take care my friends & happy crafting..

Lorraine xxxx


  1. yippee my crafty friend is back...missed you so much on yout blog and great news.
    Lots of crafty hugs

  2. Hi Lorraine... good to see you blogging and that's fab news pointing to the tumour being benign. You must be sooo relieved.
    Great news about your step daughter too... a huge WELL DONE to her...way to go.
    You are really glad you enjoyed your weekend but hope you are going to tell us who your 'celeb' was...oooh the
    Chris xx

  3. Hi Lorraine
    I am so glad for you that it is benign - you must be relieved although you still have the op to come. Hopefully it will all pass in a flash and you'll have your 4 weeks rest...
    And well done to your step daughter - how great is that!
    Take care

  4. Awww Lorraine, this is indeed good news! I'm so pleased for you and heaved a huge sigh of relief when I read this! I have been thinking of you and I wish you a speedy recovery from your op ;o) {{HUG}}


  5. Hi Lorraine

    What a time you have been through I'm so relieved that the tumor is benign you must have been beside yourself with worry

    Sending you virtual hugs albeit belated

    Congratulations to your very talented step daughter too you must be so proud

    Julie xx

  6. Hiya Mrs, I'm so happy for you and well done to Brianna for her audition. Now do what the doctor tells you, REST and more REST. Tell that hubby of yours that if he doesn't look after you I will get on a plane and kick his butt if he doesn't (only joking Rob, or am I??)

    Well who was the celeb? are we going to read all about it with a kiss and tell in the Daily Star? can't wait to hear that.

    Big hugs and kisses to you, your mum, Rob, Brianna, the cats, the dog, the rabbits etc

    Karen xoxoxox

  7. Glad to hear your good news Lorraine,you must be relieved.

    Cass xx

  8. Hi Lorraine...So glad you got the all clear...youll be better in a flash......luv to all.....
    `Congrats` to your DD you can all be sooo proud...Yaaah!!!

    Hope you are all well;)~X~
