Tuesday 30 September 2008

Sorry for being MIA

So sorry for being MIA girls. It's been a busy week for me with friends visiting & I've made a pile of cards to be sent to the troops out in Iraq & Afghan.... still many more to go.

I do apologise for not having made any postings of late but everytime of late I have tried to log on or even look at other blogs I am not able to access anything. No ability to leave messages or even get a look at the challenges... I was thinking it was something to do with me until I heard that another blogger had too had problems with accessing the system.

Thankfully today I've managed to get in & had a quick look at some challenges. Now to make some creations & keep my fingers crossed that I can actually get logged back on again to download them.

As for my health, well, my pre assessment is booked for this coming Friday but due to girly things I won't be able to have the op until the following week Monday 13th so have to call the surgeons secretary tomorrow to see if pre assess will still be this Friday or switched to the following Friday. Things going well I should have my op in the next 2 weeks then 4 weeks recovery then I'll be fighting fit again.... Hip hip horray......................

Well nice to leave you all a message but I'm off to craft now. Hope to be back soon.

Happy crafting to one & all.
Lorraine xxxxx


  1. Wow you have been a busy bee card making!!
    Hope your op goes well and yeah! you're right you'll be back fit as a fiddle!!

    Take care

  2. Great to see you blogging a little Lorraine... you have been missed. Hope that your op goes okay and that you are soon feeling wonderful again and joining us more.
    Take care of you
    Chris :)
