Monday 9 June 2008

No pics today

Sorry folks, but it's been one of those days today. Hubby had the hospital at 11am today & after being there for approx 3 hours they have decided that they are 99% positive that he has spondolitis. Returning from hospital, I then discovered that one of my dear bunny rabbits had passed away whilst we were gone so that was upsetting. Another one in bunny heaven & now I'm down to seven. My foot is still pretty swollen although it is feeling a bit better tonight so hopefully I'm recovering now. Was lucky enough to hear that I had won some blog candy from the lovely Gayle so that put a smile on my face.

I'm off now to make a fathers day card & birthday card for my brother in law. Hopefully I'll have pics for you all tomorrow.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxx


  1. Congrats on winning Gayle's blog candy, it sure looks great. And I'm so sorry for your bunny passing away. Wish your DH well and you too ofcourse,xxxWendy.

  2. Hi Wendy, thanks for your lovely comment. At least my wee bunny didn't suffer & she had a good life whilst living here. They are all like my children. Don't know if it's because he knows what wrong now & what he can do about it but hubby was up & off to work this morning at 7.30 with a smile on his face. I'm having a quick check of emails then off to get a cut & blowdry at 9.30 so I look pretty at the weekend.

    Big hugs & kisses
    Lorraine xxx

  3. Oh Lorraine sorry to hear about bunny but he didn't suffer and is now running around in bunny heaven.
    Glad to hear that Rob has finally got some answers and hopefully now can get the right treatment.
    Hugs and kisses to your both

  4. oooh sounds like you're not having a good time hun... sorry to hear about your bunny but glad you know what is wrong with your hubby. Doesn't sound very nice though.
    Glad to hear you won the blog candy and that it cheered you up a little.
    Chris xx

  5. Hi Chris, thank you for your lovely message. Means so much when others send such thoughts out to you.

    Love Lorraine xxx

  6. Oh Lorraine - I'm so sorry to hear about your bunny passing away. Also about your hubbby - poor chap - good that they have a diagnosis though. Are they able to do anything to help with the pain etc? Life just ain't fair sometimes. I am waiting for an op on my back - although they are pretty sure mine is 2 herniated discs.
    Take care of you and yours.
    Love Georgie x
