Wednesday 11 June 2008

A Little Muted

Created this whilst playing with my Laura Ashley papers. I layered a section of paper on the bottom half of the card & cut out 3 flowers from another paper then some circles for the flower centres. To add a bit of sparkle I used my ever faithful stickles to highligth the design & some faux stitching. I'm not entirely happy with the end result & wish I had just inked the edges instead. Hey we all make cards we're not happy with but that's crafting for you.


  1. Now Miss Critical I am not having any of this negativity - gee that's a long word - beautiful card as usual.

  2. Boy that is a big word, you must have taken your sanity pill today, good girl.... xxx

    Need to work on my 2sketches 2nite.

    L xxxx
