Sunday 8 June 2008

Add some sparkle

After doing some gardening yesterday in the sweltering sun, had a spider crawling on me (I'm terrified of them) & being bitten once on the arm, twice on the back & once on the foot, I decided to call it quits in the garden.

I don't take well to bites & have scratched them before I realise it's a bite so today I have huge red lumps on my body & my foot is very swollen, warm & extremely painful.

Anyway, back to yesterday in order to soothe myself I had a little play with my Laura Ashley papers. Nothing exciting, two sheets of paper layered onto my card, some ribbon & gems then had to glitz my fancy paper up with my wonderful stickles. When in need of a quick card these are fantastic papers to use as they are so decorative you can use them plain or like me just add some sparkle.

Unfortunately, I have to go do the weekly shop now so no card making for me until later today. Boo Hoo......


  1. Another fab card and hey poor you bitten by that nasty spider..have you put some antihistamine on it to take the swelling down and it will help the itch....Dr Kath

  2. Hi Lorraine
    You're a winner, please see my blog and send me your address, it'll be with you shortly...
    Gayle x
