Sunday 18 May 2008

Hi Again

Hi folks,

As you will see my blog was started a while back but I got such a heavy workload that I had to abandon it as I have never done a blog before so it's a learning curve for me that required time. Anyway, I'm back in business now & hope to have some pics downloaded onto the blog soon once my crafty friend Kath at has told me how to do it. Where would I be without here? Well that's too long a story to go into but she knows just how wonderful I think she is. I will do my best to get up to speed with blogging as quickly as possible & I hope you can bear with me in the meantime.

Hope you are all busy crafting away & please do pop back to see me & feel free to leave comments.

Take care for now


  1. Well done Mrs now that wasn't so hard was it - you realise now that cardmaking will go to the wall - you'll be too busy blogging.
    Ta ta for now
    Love you loads

  2. Come on then Lorraine, spill the beans about Kath!

  3. Just popped over from Kath's blog to say hi,from another Scot.Look forward to seeing your crafty creations.

    Cass xxx

  4. Hello, Lorraine.. Nice to 'meet' you! Have seen your pic from the Fiskars seminar-thingy Kath went to. Was guided over here from her blog. So.. Welcome back to Blogland!! Looking forward to seeing more from you. You couldn't have a better guide to blogging than Kath.

    Heather xx

  5. Hi Lorraine,
    Just found your blog after being on Kaths. Well done on getting through the mountain of work to be able to get back to this - it's looking good lovey.
    Love Georgie xxx

  6. Hi Georgie,

    Thank you for stopping by to say hi. Still got a mountain of work but hey you guys were all pushing ahead without me so I have to try hard to catch up now..... Another excuse for no housework to be done.

    Love Lorraine xxx
