Tuesday 20 May 2008

Giving myself a big clap right now as this is my first download of a pic thanks to my best buddy Kath who is on the phone right now talking me through the whole process. Thank you so much my wonderful crafting buddy. Love ya loads.


  1. Hiya Mrs, nice to see you've started your bloggin' again :-) Love the pics and yes Kath is a great help with the bloggin' side of things. Will put a link from my blog onto your blog and people will get to know you more, well hopefully. Will pop back again real soon Mrs. xox Karen xox

  2. This is too funny, Lorraine -- I think we might really be related! Hee-Hee! I say that because we do obviously think alike in at least 1 way, as I just bought this same Cuttlebug folder on Sat. & haven't even had time to try it yet!!! ;-)
