Sunday 16 March 2008


Welcome one & all to my new blog. I hope this is the first of many messages from both myself & everyone else out there. None of this would have been possible without my very good friend Kath helping me all the way with very detailed instructions. Please do drop in & leave as many messages as you like. The more the merrier.


  1. Hi Lorraine,
    Looks like I'm your first commenter! How fun!!!
    Even more fun is the fact that I'm also a Robertson AND my husband goes by "Rob" also!!! ;-)
    We're in the Phoenix, AZ, area, but lived in CA for a little over 7years.
    Can't wait to see your creations!

  2. Good luck with your blog. My name is Lorraine too, otherwise known as Lainy. Found your site through Kath who has become a great blogging friend. I look forward to visiting you regularly and seeing your creations.

  3. Hi Marge so sorry to be late in responding to your email & boy what a lot we have in common. Where abouts in CA are you?? I'm hoping to be visiting next year again. Hopefully by that time we will be used to blogging together then.
    Take care

  4. Hi Lainy, I get called that too but only by family & my best friend.... It always make me feel like I'm cute & not the 37 year old that I truly am..
    Thank you so much for visiting my site & I will put a lot more work into it over the coming weeks now that I have a little time in my schedule. What a great friend our Kath is I would be lost without her. Please come back & visit again soon.

  5. Hi Lorraine
    Just wanted to drop by and say hi...I live in Motherwell too (well, New Stevenston), I'm a crafting junkie and my husbands name is Robert!!!
    I've just subscribed to your feed and look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous work!!
    Gayle x

  6. Hi Gayle, it's fab to know there are more local crafters than I first thought. I'll be popping back & forth to see your lovely works too.
    L xxx
