Tuesday 24 November 2015

Plush Bundled Snowman

Well folks I managed to have a quick play with one of my new dies, the Plush Bundled Snowman by Memory Box. 

I'm not one for stuffing and stitching so this one isn't perfect but I just had to share with you. 

After cutting 2 pieces of each segment I set about stitching and stuffing (note my lack of coloured thread so black had to suffice).  The pieces are really easy to stitch together as all the pieces have die cut holes just ready to be lined up well apart from the 2 scarf tail sections, nose and eyes which I simply glued in space.   There are no dies for the eyes and as hubby was in bed I didn't want to start rummaging for mini buttons so I simply used 2 of the black felt pieces that had been left over from the die cut holes..  and it worked..  Woohoo.  

Now although I have another one already die cut and awaiting construction I would like to say that this will also look fab on the front of cards.. imagine a cut little snowman with a poochie belly sitting on the mantle. 

So folks that's my latest make and as it's now time for bed I'll bid you all a fond farewell. 

Back soon!

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