Wednesday 25 November 2015

Making a list..

It's full steam ahead here at the moment folks and I'm quickly losing my dining room to boxes.  

There's one for Cats Protection who we like to donate to, which is almost full of food and near ready for delivery to our local branch. 

Another has all the hand crocheted baby blankets donated to me by my work colleague June and a lovely customer called Amelia.  My role now is to crochet little hats, cardigans and booties then they will all be donated to the local hospital for those who find themselves in the position of having their baby prematurely.  You can see from the picture just how small they are in relation to the Sky remote control.  Poor little things bless them and their families too. 

Next we have a box currently being filled with food for the homeless. 

Another which is filling up nicely with donated gifts of hats, scarves and gloves both bought and hand made, which will be donated Christmas gifts for the homeless and each will also include a hand written Christmas card so they know that someone cares.  

Finally there is the one for good condition second hand clothing which will also be donated to the homeless to help keep them warm this winter. 

We are not always appreciative of just how fortunate we are in life and this year I have vowed to make a difference other people's lives.  

Tonight I have knitted 2 scarves and have a 3rd on the hooks at present which I will finish tomorrow night.

If you can do just one little thing to make another person's day better then do it.. 

Toodles for now

1 comment:

  1. You are a lovely lady, to do so many boxes is wonderful.
