Sunday 18 January 2015

Play time

Bbrrrr it's been a cold old day today.  Heating has been on, was wearing a jumper and yet I still felt cold at times.  You'd think we would be accustomed to this kind of weather but year in and year out I still get the shivers lol.

Anyway today I've stayed tucked up indoors and tackled the housework and washing..  my excuse really to avoid the outside temps lol.  Tonight I've felt a little restless because sadly in the early hours of Thursday morning one of my darling little bunnies called Buddy passed away.   I love all my animals dearly but this little fella had a special place in my heart due to events upon his arrival over 6 years ago.  You see.. 6 years past in October I had a massive health scare when I was diagnosed with an ovarian tumour and had surgery to remove it.  Well a matter of days after my release from hospital we were asked to home this wee man who had been rescued from a garden shed, earing his own faeces to survive.   I had staples holding me together and faced a lengthy wait for my pathology result but there was no way I wasn't going to rescue this wee baby.   A cage was set up on my dining room table so I could tend him and monitor him over the coming weeks and for the first 3 of those he would eat, sleep and poop.  Eventually he gained weight and was able to stay awake more and his character started to shine through.  Finally my results came through the following January and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief both for myself and my Buddy Rabbit.   Well we've had a strong bond ever since and I put it down to the fact we both fought to live at the same time and saw each other through the days.  He was an adorable wee boy who loved his cuddles and daily nose rubs.  Sadly he cried out in pain at 5.45am Thurs morning so I quickly ran downstairs and just made it in time to place my hand on him as he took his final breath.  My baby was gone.  Needless to say there have been a lot of tears shed over the last few days and hubby laid him to rest yesterday.  So now you know why I'm sitting here posting on my blog at just after 4am in the morning!   Hubby has long since gone off to bed and I have been occupying myself with some yummy craft products.  It's not finished yet so can't share in its entirety but this is a little preview for you.  

Well I'm off to finish watching a program and do a little sudoku then hopefully I'll be able to drift off to sleep. 

Happy crafting

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