Sunday 18 January 2015

Oh my!

Well folks I had a slight change of shifts this week and was working Wed, Thurs, Fri.

Wed wasn't too bad really, Thurs saw us encounter gale force winds combined with torrential rain and then on Friday this is what I had to tackle to get home.   I took this pic just before I left the shop so hubby could see that I was going to take a little longer to get home.. well this was just the start as once I got on the motorway I was shocked at the fact they had not been gritted and were covered in snow to the extent that everyone ended up driving in what we estimated was the centre lane as most of the time you couldn't even see the lane markings on the road.   Thankfully everyone kept a safe distance and we managed to maintain a speed of 30mph most of the way as the road was pretty empty.  I can only assume that most commuters had made the decision to head home early as normally I would have been tackling bumper to bumper rush hour traffic but no.. They had already gone. 

Anyway, once home I was quickly changed in to my relaxing jogging bottoms with a nice hot cuppa in hand.


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