Saturday 9 August 2014

Thank You

Afternoon all that's one job done so time for a wee break before deciding what to start on next.   Obviously I can't share the design itself as it's the last part of a wedding order and those I never share cause some peeps just take your ideas and sell them as their own.  I know it's sad but it is true.  Sixty thank you cards all ready to be packaged up & delivered to the bride.  

Yesterday was a wee day at home but I also had an unexpected visit from my adopted sister Gail.   We miss each other so much as she lives in Durham but we're hoping that one day soon she'll be coming home to stay.  In the meantime we make do with whatever time we can share.   We first me in the dentist in 1987 and have been through thick & thin with each other.  So many tragedies have affected us but together we've come out the other side stronger than ever.   We may not be blood sisters but when you have a bond as strong as ours does that really matter. 

Now today what am I going to do.  Hhmmm I think I'll start with a nice hot bath as this stupid back is playing up again.  Need to pop to the shops for some bits & bobs and mum coming for a visit.  After that I'll be pulling out the inks and getting creative again. 

Hope you've all got something nice planned for the weekend.

Lorraine xxx

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