Friday 8 August 2014

Fly away

Afternoon all.  Golly gosh I decided not to post in the wee small hours of this morning as I was off today so had time to fit it in at a decent hour of  the day and golly gosh would you believe I slept for a whopping 9 hours last night!   For those of you who don't know me well that normally 2 nights sleep to me lol. 

Anyways I decided to take a night to myself and I simply sat and vegged on the sofa doing sod all but watching tv and playing on my tablet.  Must have relaxed me eh!   Not stressing today either and just going at a slow pace again as my backs a little sore again but nothing major at present so going to try gently ease it away.  Housework is being broken doing in segments this weekend.  Today it's downstairs,  tomorrow upstairs then the rest of the day will be spent crafting.   There's quite a list to tackle.

1.  Thank you cards
2.  Britannia samples
3.  KaiserCraft samples
4.  Candy Box Crafts samples
5.  Indigo Blu samples

Hhmmm think I will be rather inky the next few days lol. 

In the meantime today's share is a little tag using some of the new Britannia dies.  Snow flake, Robin & large pine cone.  These are such fun dies to play with and they co-ordinate beautiful with each other.  Oh and little Robin red breast does actually have an eye now,  I just happened to take the picture before I added it lol. 

Right I'm off as lots to do and the energy is bubbling.  Back laters!

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful tag. Love it x

    hugs sally x
