Friday 4 July 2014

Where is summer?

Morning all and gosh I can't believe I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee typing this and it's not even 7am yet!  

Been struggling with back problems this week as it froze up on me on Sunday and I literally mean froze to extent I could hard move so between a combination of exercise, massage & a great deal of pain killers it's been slowly loosening even though it's been taking its time about it.   Unfortunately it led to me only having 4 hours sleep if I was lucky on Wednesday night so by the time past night rolled around I think my body was just exhausted and decided to take a break.   Nodded off and on for a few hours last night then seem to have went out cold around midnight and that was me till I awoke at 6.20am this morning.  Still sat on the sofa!!!  Rofl.  Thank goodness I had my feet up on the foot stool. 

Anyways, I've opened the curtains and first thought that came to mind was 'where oh where is summer'.  Nothing but overcast skies & the odd dribble of light rain drops.   Forgive me for thinking this was July.  Lol.  

Right that leads us to this mornings cards which is another combination of Graphic 45 paper & Little Birdie flowers along side some Creative Expressions & Hobby House embellishments.   Gosh I'm sure glad this one has a little colour to it as alongside my coffee those have been the only two things that have added light to my morning so far.  Lol. 

Oh well I guess it's time to sign off and make myself another wee cuppa and eat a couple of pain killers before getting ready for work so will bid you a fond farewell till later & happy crafting. 


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