Wednesday 2 July 2014

Blooming Days

Morning all and here's hoping that this weather is here to stay for a while.  Isn't it wonderful!

Monday was very much filled with chores like catching up on the housework,  washing etc then it was time to cut the grass and trim back the plants and bushes in the front garden and along the side boundary fence whilst the evening was spent sorting through paperwork.

Tuesday I was at home for a change as boss lady called and asked if i could work Friday instead so what a great excuse to spend more time in the garden topping up on vitamin D lol.   Morning began with the usual daily tidy & clean up,  more washing etc.. you know what I mean the mundane tasks that us women have to do every day in life.  Followed by paying all the monthly bills and sorting all my car documents.   By that stage I was questioning where the time had gone!  Next up it was time to make the neighbours think I was nuts..  I had road kill on my car from all the midges so my new wee car being only 5 days old was in need of a wash so there I was hosing, rubbing & drying my baby lol.   Mum appeared next with a lovely cooked chicken and salad accompaniments so we plated up and hit the back garden for some chit chat over lunch before tackling some pruning which lasted through till about 6.30pm by which time hubby was home and after him twisting my arm up my back I agreed to sit & enjoy the evening sun with him whilst catching up on his day.   Lol.   Finally my night drew to a close constructing a few cards and typing this post so all in all its been a darn good day.  

Today's card incorporates some Graphic 45 paper along with Little Birdie flowers & embellishments.   Very soft & muted compared to my usual.

Anyways, bed is calling so will wish you all well for the day ahead and hope you get to enjoy some creative crafting. 


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