Tuesday 22 July 2014

Weekend madness..

Yet again it's another unplanned late night!   Starting my new meds tonight so hoping they will help me get in to a better sleep pattern in the coming weeks.

So what's been happening since my last post.. hhmmm..  yesterday morning my lovely hubby woke me with a surprise.  It's our wedding anniversary this coming Friday but as I'll be doing last minute prep and packing for Saturday he decided to celebrate early.  Up he came with my coffee and an anniversary card, we don't normally do cards but this was so apt he couldn't resist lol.   Then in the afternoon we took a wee drive to Silverburn shopping centre for a wee meal at Handmade Burger Co followed by a spot of shopping.. didn't get much honest.  New pair of spotted jeans, 2 new tops, 2 belts and a pair of shoes.   Funniest part of the day was just after we arrived and hubby needed the loo so he decided to give me a pound coin to get a 5 minute massage on one of those chairs.. well..  This turned in to the most comical sight you could see.  For those who've never met me I'm a small busted lady but by heck did they jiggle with the vibration or what!   But here's the ultimate..  as though that wasn't funny enough, quite unexpectedly up out the seat of the chair comes what can only be described as feeling like a fist to aggressively caress my bottom!  Well that was it, there was no controlling the laughter either from us or the passers by who were observing.   All I can say is if you live local and fancy a laugh you know where to go but if you're big chested it's defo one to avoid as you're more likely to leave with two black eyes lol. 

Today was no where near as exciting.  Once the housework and washing was done it was head down and working on Indigo Blu samples for the weekend broken briefly by mother stopping by to collect the ironing as she's bored.  I could think of better things to do in the sunshine but I think she's finding life a little lonely at present and still adjusting to Eric's passing.   Guess it's better she's busy and happy than sitting behind closed doors crying. 

Anyway I'm gonna try catch some sleep now so will leave you with a wee sneaky peek at one of the samples and bid you all good night.

Happy crafting

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