Wednesday 23 July 2014

Travel chaos ahead

Oopsie I nearly forgot my evening post!

Well tomorrow is the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games and I have a feeling that some travel chaos lies ahead travelling to and from work for the next 10 days.   Shame you can't have a practice run so you have an idea of how long it's going to take eh. 

We had a busy wee day in the shop today as for lots of crafters it's that time again already.. you know that time when the word 'christmas' makes an appearance even though the sun is shining lol.   So today has been spent going through box upon box of toppers, stamps, dies, ribbons, papers etc and no matter how we jiggled stuff about we still didn't have enough space to display everything so the job will continue tomorrow.   If you keep it quiet and don't tell the boss I'll let you in to a little secret..  If you live close to Glasgow it's worth a trip as there's more than one or two bargains to be found..  but remember sshhhh I never told you that lol.   If you're not already a Craft World follower on facebook I would recommend you go 'Like' the page just now so you keep up to date with arrivals, sales, demos etc and if you visit the website you can join the mailing list so you get notification of any online sales too.   To answer one of the most asked questions.. yes we do ship international as well. 

It's time for bed now and as I was speaking of travel tonight I chose this pic as the next Indigo Blu sneaky peek.   More to share tomoz night so till then.. Toodle pip! 


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