Sunday 29 December 2013

Wedding Day 4

Day 4..  Thanks to James Solly Photography
Mum, Brianna & Me

Parents in centre & step parents on the outside

Mum telling Brianna how beautiful her dress is

A striking pose from the Bride and Groom in the University gardens

Gordon and his mum Betty sharing a moment of love and laughter. 

My youngest dance partner..  Brianna's baby brother Cieran.  He may only be 12 but he took his role very seriously and done an amazing job.

True hubby style.. ripping the mickey out of my hat.  Suits you Sir! lol

My lovely new son in law Gordon being huckled by mum & I.  Thank god he's been around the family for 8 years now so he at least knew what he was getting in to before he put a ring on Brianna's finger lol

Okay, today's photo slide is finished for another day.. more tomorrow again..  no surprise there I hear you say..  eh!
Toodles for now

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