Saturday 28 December 2013

Wedding Day 3

Day 3 = Double the pics!
Thought I'd better try and speed things up a little lol

Thanks again to James Solly Photography

The cheeky chappie in the centre is Brianna's step dad's father, with his daughter in law Nicola on one side and me on the other..  no wonder he's smiling eh with not one but two kisses heading his direction lol

How romantic!!!

Parents and step parents entering before the bride..  can you tell I missed the rehearsal due to working at the SECC!  Oh well I'm not exactly known for towing the line at the best of times am I.. lol 
Front is Brianna's step dad Andrew, followed by her mum Ann, a slight peek of her dad Rob can be seen behind her mum and oh yeah.. little old me standing out like a sore thumb!

Love this record of it being official

It was a bit of a wet and windy day but it allowed for Brianna to wear her gorgeous full length coat and just look at how the wind has caught her veil

Now I know you're probably all having a good laugh at my wee leg out to the side but I was having a right old shindig with Gordon's dad Stewart.  We were lost in the music and dancing the night away

Adore this picture too as the red of the sign portrays to me passion

This I think is awesome!   This just shows how their photographer James came in to his own on the day..  everyone else saw rain.. he saw the opportunity for a photo shoot  lol  
Hope I'm not boring anyone too much with the pics and I'll upload the next instalment tomorrow.
Love to all

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