Thursday 26 December 2013

Official wedding pictures

Phew..  Christmas is over for another year.  Maybe I'll be better organised in 2014 instead of planning and organising it all within 4 days!  lol

Not sure about everyone else but I'm having a lazy day chilling out and am about to sit down and catch up with yesterdays Eastenders and Coronation Street.  Totally unexciting and unenergetic but I'm going to enjoy my wee day.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a link before I forget.  Gordon & Brianna brought us over a disc with all the official wedding photographs but their photographer also uploaded some of them on to his blog so thought you may like to have a glimpse. 

This is a photographer I'd recommend to everyone James Solly he's very professional, discreet and imaginative. 

If I can figure out how to upload any more off of the disc then I will..  it may take me some time though as I'm such a technophobic.  lol 

Well.. happy Boxing Day everyone.  Have a fun & love filled day.

Lorraine xxx

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