Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Hubby thought he'd join in this year and use a gift bag to wish each one of you a very Merry Christmas.  

We had a fab day yesterday as we were out delivering Christmas cards before heading home to cook dinner and wait on the kids arriving.   Feel sorry for them as they have three sets of parents to fit in every year!  Anyway, we had roast beef, roast potato, peas, carrots, green beans and sweetcorn followed by apple & blackberry pie and pumpkin pie.   Two cycles of the dishwasher and cleaning of the cooker, worktops etc and kitchen was back to normal.   Late last night I also finished stitching the stockings together and here's 2 of them today filled with sweets ready for delivery.  

No kids in this household so the morning began with a nice lie in, coffee made and then on to opening presents.   We're now at lunchtime so had a bite to eat and watched a wee Christmas movie..  well it had to be done didn't it.  Lol.    Next stage was a quick makeup application and out to deliver some presents to the neighbours, followed by my Christmas day trip to the cemetery to lay my Dads wreath and then up to visit Mum and Eric.   Presents exchanged,  a good old chat, a few laughs and home again as Eric was feeling a bit tired so we left him to rest.   Upon arrival home hubby called his Dad in sunny California whilst I set about finishing off dinner.   We decided upon something different for a change so instead of the normal turkey & trimmings, this year I made beef curry with chapatti & peshwari nan.   Very happy full tums now. 

Time to load the dishwasher again, clean the kitchen, pour a large glass of Bailey's, light a candle, then sit and chillax for the rest of the night.  

Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas Day and remember those absent with love and happy memories. 

Merry Christmas
Rob & Lorraine

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