Wednesday 14 August 2013

Project Life has arrived

Well folks over the last week when I've not been working in the shop I've been focusing on Brianna's wedding stationery.   Day invites are complete and have been handed over to them for delivery and I'm working on the evening ones now.   Sorry can't post any pics of them yet but I will do once I know everyone's received them. 

Anyway, the latest stash to arrive at Craft World is Project Life..  just unpacked today are the albums and mini kits so thought I'd post a few pics just to let you see.   May have to purchase one of the wedding kits and an album for the kids.  Lol. 

Right, its time to wave bye bye again, get myself fed then make busy again on the invitations.   Hope you're all having a fun filled week. 

Lorraine.  Xxx

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