Sunday 18 August 2013

Ping pong..

Evening all.. just a quickie from me tonight as I'm a little like a ping pong ball just now bouncing about all over the place.

Thursday saw the last of Brianna's wedding invites going put the door so its only the order of service to do now but those can wait a few weeks so I can focus on work again.  I'm currently prepping for a demo at Craft World and also a trade show so its a busy time on the old craft front and to add to the bizz my mums hubby has been hospitalized so going back and forth for visiting also. 

Had a lovely call yesterday to give me details of another shop I need to call to arrange a demo date and also to inform me that I may be popping down south for a show in a few weeks.   After that there's a couple of workshop dates arranged in the Manchester area so that another wee weekend away, followed by the SECC and the NEC.  

Well I'm gong to sign off again as I'm currently sitting here die cutting and working on some layouts.. every moment counts just now.  Lol. 

Happy crafting all
Lorraine xxx

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