Tuesday 9 July 2013

Pink to make me smile.

What a day it's been.  Up and off to work this morning (the 1st of 6 days) which was perfectly fine.  Lots of nice customers and plenty of laughter echoed the shop today.   Shame tonight wasn't every bit as nice.  Had to knock off work an hour early as I had to get home, showered and changed then back to Ross Hall hospital for a consultation.   Not been feeling quite right the last few months and after lots of blood tests and ultrasound I ended up with a referral.   Good thing was the consultant done my smear test I've been waiting to have done since Feb.   Bad thing was it hurt like hell.   I've never experienced a painful one in my puff so got a big shock tonight.  Then to add insult to injury the consultant told me he thinks he will probably recommend I get put on HRT as it would appear I am having pre symptoms of pre-menapause.  Never heard of it in my puff but apparently a small percentage of woman can feel symptoms of it years before it even happens.  Just my luck it looks like I'm one of those people!   However, he's going to contact the hospital first regarding the Oopherectomy I had 5 years ago as he thinks there may have been more to it than what I was told so just need to wait for him to email me now with the information he gets from them.   Not feeling the most cheerful about the thought of HRT but guess I will have to wait for the final outcome.   At least when I came home at 9pm and sat in the garden I had my beautiful pink tea roses to make me smile.   Well signing off now to nosey at the stash I have to create samples for this Saturdays demo at Craft World. 

Happy crafting all
Lorraine xxx

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