Tuesday 16 July 2013

Long week..

Yay.. I've made it back to blog land after one heck of a week.   5 days working on the shop floor, 1 evening visit to the hospital, 4 evenings making samples and 1 demo day..  all in all, a 6 day week totalling somewhere in the region of 70 hours.   Slept well the last 2 nights right enough.  Lol. 

Anyway, I had to step in and do a DO crafts demo at short notice so here's the first few pics of samples I made.  Have to say I've never bought one of their goody bags before so I was pleasantly surprised with the ones I was using which were the newly released Tilly Daydream and the Christmas ones.   Even managed to make some unrelated cards from the Christmas bag as there are a lot of non themed papers in it. 

Well its almost 2am and alarm is set for 7.30am so guess its time to get myself off to bed for some zzzzzz's.  

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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