Sunday 16 June 2013

What a week

Sorry for being absent over the last week but its just been one of those weeks.   Step daughters flat was flooded when the council were installing central heating in the flat above hers.   Mums car has been in the garage all week so been running her wherever she's had to go.  Our boiler broke last Wednesday and a new circuit board had to be ordered. That arrived on Friday but guess what.. it was the wrong one so now hoping the right one arrives and can be installed tomorrow.  Thank goodness its not winter.  In addition to that I've been trying to adjust to my e-cigarettes so have been pretty good with managing to have only 5 real ones a day.  Not perfect I know but still a lot better than what was my usual 20.  Can't say I've actually been using my e ones too much either as I don't want to switch one addiction for another.  Anyway I'm hoping the week ahead turns out slightly less chaotic than the last. Lol.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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