Sunday 9 June 2013

Now I'm a VIP.

This is a big one for me folks.  Having been a smoker for many years I'm a little proud of myself for seeking info on the e-cigarette and my darling hubby treated me yesterday to the full kit..  recharge unit, 2 batteries and 4 capsules.  I'm not concerned about ceasing immediately just so long as I can cut down over time and it appears to be working.  Woke around 9am Saturday morning and its now currently 1.25am Sunday morning and all I've had is 5 real cigarettes.   Funny thing is I can tell I'm enjoying them less and less each time I smoke one which must be a good sign.. right???  I will be happy even if I get down to just 1 or 2 a day in the next month then I can make the final jump.  Please keep fingers crossed for me as I've tried everything in the past from hypnotherapy to laser treatment and nothing has worked.  At least I've gotten off to a good start today and long may it continue. 

Anyway, time to start thinking about heading to bed so will bid you all a fond farewell.. nighty night.

Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best of luck in beating the cigarette addiction! I did too years ago, but not before I have COPD. What helped me was using Wellbutrin
