Tuesday 23 April 2013

New plaque

Well its been a good wee day..  breakfast, housework, hairdresser, more housework, washing, visit from my neighbour, invoicing, couple of wee business calls, play around with Brianna's invites, browsed some new designs not yet released and now I've finally got to me time.. not bad seeing as its only 11.30pm.  Lol.

I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound, checking to see if I've got a polycystic ovary..  sure hope I don't as I've only got one now after my op a few years back and don't fancy any more work down there in a hurry.  

Well folks I'm off now to decide which one of these little beauties I'm going to make a start on first then I can have a play before bed and finish it off tomorrow.  Tune in later for more pics.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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